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A MA Creative Writing (Merit) graduate, Claire enjoys writing stories of the horrific and the strange, and children's fiction. Her first writing credit for Wondery is Little Stories Everywhere's Ava's Magical Movie Theater (January 2023), and she was Highly Commended in the Hammond House Publishing 2021 International Literary Prize and is published in its 2021 anthology available here. Claire was also shortlisted in the NYC Midnight 250-word Microfiction Challenge 2021, Hammond House International Literary Prize 2022 and received an Honorable Mention in the competition's Short Story Challenge 2022. She is a Member of Hammond House.
Claire grew up in an infamous 'witch' village in Essex and read Stephen King from a young age, which contributed to her love of the horror genre. Essex is the base for many of the locations in her stories, and King, David Lynch, Bret Easton Ellis, Anne Rice, Stanley Kubrick, Angela Carter and Chris Morris are some of the leading figures she cites as her influences.
When she isn't writing, she works in communications, and looks after her ever-growing number of pets. You'll also find her rambling in the countryside, sketching nature, watching indie/arthouse films, and she loves anything to do with Twin Peaks. Claire lives in the West Midlands, UK, with her husband and daughter, and is on Twitter @ctallers
Claire is actively seeking publication opportunities and would welcome any approaches via the Contact Form on this blog or through Twitter.
Published 'Ava's Magical Movie Theater' - Little Stories Everywhere - Wondery (2023)
'The Summer Job' - 'Stardust' Award Winning Short Stories from Hammond House Publishing
Highly Commended 'The Summer Job' - Hammond House 2021 International Literary Prize
Shortlisted 'Another Wrong Turn' - NYC Midnight 100-word Microfiction Challenge 2022
'The Lover From Upwind' - Hammond House 2022 International Literary Prize
'Wear It For Them' - NYC Midnight 250-word Microfiction Challenge 2021
Honorable Mentions 'Lost and Found' - NYC Midnight Short Story Challenge 2022


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