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16 January 2023
Shortlisted in Hammond House International Literary Prize 2022
I'm catching up on my posts, apologies, but wanted to share some personal good news that I was shortlisted in the Short Story category of the Hammond House Publishing 2022 International Literary Prize.
This is the second time I have entered the competition, and the second time I have been shortlisted so I am absolutely thrilled.
My entry is entitled 'The Lover From Upwind' and is due to be published in the 2022 competition anthology. Thank you Hammond House!
27 June 2022
Through to Second Round in NYC Midnight 100-Word Microfiction Story Challenge 2022
I'm really pleased to announce that I have advanced to the Second Round in the NYC Midnight 100-Word Microfiction Challenge 2022.
My first entry was entitled 'Another Wrong Turn' in the Comedy category. Fingers crossed for round 2!
6 April 2022
Honorable Mention in NYC Midnight Short Story Competition 2022
I'm so thrilled to have received an Honorable Mention for my short story 'Lost and Found' in the NYC Midnight Short Story Competition 2022.
I really enjoy the NYC Midnight competitions as they are very challenging. When the competition starts, you are assigned to a group with a genre and various other directions like a particular theme, word or character to get into your work. They stretch you as a writer, and are also great fun. I'm hooked!
1 April 2022
Published in STARDUST, an anthology of award winning stories
I am thrilled to announce that my short story 'The Summer Job', Highly Commended in the Hammond House Publishing 2021 International Literary Prize, has been published in STARDUST, the anthology for the 2021 prize.
The publication is available to buy online here.
Thank you to Hammond House Publishing for this accolade and publication, and I really hope you enjoy reading my story and all of the others in this fantastic publication.
1 January 2022
Awards Success - Highly Commended In Hammond House Publishing 2021 International Literary Prize
The Hammond House Publishing 2021 International Literary Prize was judged in December 2021, and I am absolutely thrilled to announce that I have been Highly Commended in the 'Short Story' category.
The 2021 Prize attracted a record-number of entries from over 25 different countries around the world. My entry is entitled 'The Summer Job', and it will be published in the 2022 Hammond House anthologies to be launched at the annual Literary festival on 9th February at the University Centre Grimsby.
I really do hope to make it up for the festival and celebrations. Thank you Hammond House!
16 December 2021
Awards Success - Through To Round 2 Of NYC Midnight 250-word Microfiction Competition
I'm thrilled to announce I've been placed in the Top Ten of Group 6 of Round One of the 250-word Microfiction Challenge 2021 from NYC Midnight.
This is the first time I've ever attempted flash fiction, and only the second competition I have professionally entered. My story in Round One was entitled 'Wear It For Them', I hope to share it with you soon.
The second round kicks off this Friday 17 December at 11:59PM EST - good luck to everyone who is progressing.
10 December 2021
Awards Success - Shortlisted For Hammond House Publishing 2021 International Literary Prize
I am absolutely delighted to announce that I have been shortlisted in the 'Short Story' category in the Hammond House Publishing 2021 International Literary Prize.
The 2021 International Literary Prize attracted a record-number of entries from over 25 different countries around the world, and the winners will be announced on Sunday 19 December 2021 at 7pm on Billboard TV and the Hammond House Publishing website.
My entry is entitled 'The Summer Job', and I wish all of the finalists the best of luck for 19 December. How exciting!


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